I will be happy to show you the diversity of Israel, its people, history and culture and all that with a big smile.

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Profile image of tour guide Michal Elbaz

Israel has much to offer and to show, it has an incredible diversity going from east to west and north to south, from biblical to modern times, and this I would like to show you. I am a person full of joy of life, outgoing and with a good portion of humor.

Having grown up in Switzerland, I live today in Jerusalem, my hometown by choice. I graduated in History at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. A big part of my professional life has been dedicated to education. Later I started to work in tourism, creating exciting itineraries for various groups coming to Israel. Since 2014 I am a licensed tour guide to Israel and I guide groups and individuals through the whole country.  

In my free time I like to hike, dance and study the Bible and philosophy of the religions. I am an active member in an international women's organization and make volunteer work with women.

My big love goes to Jerusalem and I want to propose you there a special tour, a tour with meaning.

In Jerusalem you will see buildings and walls, walk through tunnels and archeological sites. I will turn these silent stones into living stones for you, by telling their story and meaning throughout the centuries.

While walking through Jerusalem, you will see the people who live here, all looking so different one of each other. You would like to get to know them better. As I volunteer in my free time with members of the different populations in Jerusalem, I will share my knowledge and personal experiences with you about the diversity of the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

Jerusalem is the holy city of the three major Abrahamic religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Being religious or not, you will be affected by it. When visiting the holy places, I will not only explain to you their meaning, but also describe to you how the people live their religion in their daily life and during special occasions.

And last but not least, Jerusalem means in Hebrew "Dwelling of Peace". Is this place really doing honor to its name? You will not stay indifferent to this question. You will think about it and maybe even pray for it.

Hope to meet you soon


Booqify Israel Manager
Menno de Vries  

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