Testimonials By Thomas


Profile image of tour guide Thomas

Thomas , Very knowledgeable and Entertaining.


Profile image of tour guide Thomas

very accommodating, gave a great city tour, gave a rocking start to the tour and captured many pictures of the group.

Jack Smith

Profile image of tour guide Thomas

very pleasant and knowledgeable, gave a good overview of Dubai.

Mr.Gordon DiRenzo

Profile image of tour guide Thomas

From: Gordon DiRenzo
Date: 11 May 2016 at 23:46
Subject: Re: TRIP with Mr. Gordon
To: siju thomas

Many thanks for sending the photos. I was wondering what happened. Glad you found your phone.
If you have other photos taken on our trip, ones in which I am not included, I should very appreciate having them.
Thank you again for such a fantastic tour. Hope my comments helped you with your employer.
My best wishes to you, your wife and daughter.
Gordon DiRenzo

Sent from my iPhone

Mr.Gordon DiRenzo

Profile image of tour guide Thomas

From: Gordon DiRenzo
Date: 11 May 2016 at 23:46
Subject: Re: TRIP with Mr. Gordon
To: siju thomas

Many thanks for sending the photos. I was wondering what happened. Glad you found your phone.
If you have other photos taken on our trip, ones in which I am not included, I should very appreciate having them.
Thank you again for such a fantastic tour. Hope my comments helped you with your employer.
My best wishes to you, your wife and daughter.
Gordon DiRenzo

Sent from my iPhone

Emmy, Chad and Zacharia

Profile image of tour guide Thomas