Yshai Levi , Licensed tour guide Since 1995 I love everything about history and culture Exploring the beauty that Israel has to offer is my passio
“The law will go out from Zion, the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.” Isaiah 2
Israel is a holy land !! It has been so for thousands of years.
It is holy for the 3 big monotheistic religions ,2 Billion christians ,1.5 Billion muslims and 20 million jews.
After guiding thousands of people from all over the world , Hebrew English spanish and Portuguese , i now giving virtual tours. In these virtual journey we will explore why and what is so holy in this Country .
Talk about its history and the places that are mentioned in the bible.
Understand the big picture which is the background to the events.
We will be able to see these places with 360 pictures and videos.
Please join me on this very special journey through time to meet the people that changed the world.