My name is Raffaele and I came from Italy. I wish to convey my desire to introduce, help to understand and make you love this land.

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My name is Raffaele and I presently live in Jerusalem, where I came a few years ago from my birthplace of Milan in Italy. I always had a passion for history, besides being curious, so I finally choose to become a tour guide in Israel, despite the fact that I studied and worked in quite different fields.
I wish to convey my desire to introduce, help to understand and make you love this land.

Mi chiamo Raffaele e abito a Gerusalemme, dove mi sono trasferito da pochi anni dalla mia città natale di Milano. La mia passione per la storia e la mia innata curiosità, mi hanno portato ad intraprendere la professione di guida di Israele, pur avendo studiato e lavorato in ambiti completamente diversi.
Vorrei trasmettervi la mia voglia di farvi conoscere, capire ed amare questa terra.

Je m’appel Raffaele et J’habite à Jerusalem, ou je me suis transféré depuis quelque année en provenance de ma ville de naissance, Milan en Italie. Ma passion pour l’histoire et ma curiosité m’ont apporté à choisir la profession de guide touristique en Israel, malgré avoir étudié et travaillé en domaines tout à fait différents.
Je voudrais vous transmettre mon désire dé vous faire connaitre, comprendre et aimer cette terre.



Booqify Israel Manager
Menno de Vries  

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Old City Jerusalem

Private Tour $ 350