I love to entertain my guests with stories about Jerusalem, its inhabitants, their beliefs and traditions.
Tourism can be a life changer. Exactly this happened to me in 1997, when I visited Jerusalem the first time and was guided by one of the best guides of Israel. It took me one hour to fall in love with the city and to decide that I have to move here from Budapest, Hungary and become a tour guide.
I am Gavriel. I live now in Jerusalem and guide here visitors from all over the world. Every person who visits our city is looking for something. Most people want to be strengthened in their religious beliefs. Many want to see the multitude of religious and ethnic groups who live here. Some prefer to visit museums. But all enjoy strolling around, using all their senses and enjoying life.
I am a traditional Jew who takes the religious beliefs of others as serious as my own. I am moved by tears visitors shed at religious sites; appreciate when they share their personal stories with me. I love to entertain my guests with stories about the city, its inhabitants, their customs and traditions. Jerusalem is a unique city where even dead stones tell stories: stories of wars, destruction and rebirth, exile and return, despair and hope.
Let’s discover it together!