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Discovering Palermo!!

We will meet at Plaza Italia (subway station D), heart of Palermo neighborhood. There we will begin this guided tour discovering under our feet the living history of Argentina!

- We will learn from the two foundations of Buenos Aires, knowing the history of each and how were the first years of this city.

- We will visit the neighborhood of Palermo, discovering it´s origin as an area of orchards and fruit trees 300 years ago.

- We will walk through the lands of Juan Manuel de Rosas, who was governor of the province of Buenos Aires, becoming, between 1835 and 1852, the main Argentine caudillo.

- We will visit a wondeful Rose Garden.

- We will visit the Argentinian Horse Racecourse, founded in 1876 and place of the most popular sport of the Argentines at the beginning of the 20th century.

- We will know the history of tango, it´s philosophy, how to dance it and what are the rules to follow when dancing in a milonga.

- We will learn what is "mate", the national infusion of Argentina.

I love the idea of showing the history in the same place that happened... welcome to Buenos Aires! :o)

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Discovering Palermo!!





Per person

Minimum number of persons:


Maximum number of persons:



MATE: our national drink.

