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3 days birding safaris to budongo forest

 3 days birding safaris to budongo forest


  Day 1 (one) travel to budongo forest

At 7:00am after breakfast you will start your journey to budongo forest via luweero and will have a stop 12:30pm at Masindi where you will have your lunch as we prepare to drive off to the forest where you will check in for accommodation at Budongo Eco-lodge.

Later in the afternoon you will have to choose whether you take a 1hr nature walk in the forest or 3hrs of guided birding through the forest and later get back to the lodge, where you will have your dinner and an overnight at budongo Eco-lodge.

Meal plan (lunch and dinner)


Day 2 (two) guided birding into the forest reserve.

At 7;00am in the morning after breakfast you will have a guided birding walk through the day you will be able to identify birds such as the Cassin’s spine tail, chestnut-capped flycatcher, Ituri batis, Nahan’s francolin, black-collared lovebird, brown twinspot, chocolate-backed, blue-breasted, African dwarf kingfishers among others, during this adventure you will not miss the birds in royal mile,

At 12:30pm you will have lunch in the field for keen birders, during our visiting of the royal mile we will then go forward to take a trip to lake kanyege where you will be able to identify water birds

Overnight at budongo Eco- lodge

Meal plan (breakfast, lunch and dinner)


Day 3 explore budongo forest reserve.

At 7:00am you will have breakfast at the lodge and then take another birding spell to look for more exclusive birds we will once again visit the royal mile, and there after transfer back to Kampala marking the end of our safaris.

Meal plan (breakfast, and lunch)

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3 days birding safaris to budongo forest





Per person

Minimum number of persons:


Maximum number of persons:



Bottled water Meals and accommodation 4x4 van and transport costs en-route Game ranger fees and a boat cruise entrance fees


Visas and any medical insurances Alcoholic drinks Any extra service such as wildlife safaris Note: Other activates not stated in the trip may be paid for