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In the Footsteps of Jesus in Galilee

In this tour, I will pick you up with my car from your place of stay, then we head north to the Galilee and Kinneret regions for visits to the main Christian sites related to Jesus:

- the Mount of the Beatitudes
- Capharnaum, "the town of Jesus" according to the Gospels
- the church of the Primacy of Peter, at the shores of the Sea of Galilee
- Nazareth
- the basilica of the Annunciation
- the Mount Precipice

Then return to your place of stay.

Visits to the religious places requires humble attire (covered shoulders, long trousers or dress)

To review the sites related to Jesus in Israel, please check this page from my web site which offers you a "chronological journey" with links to the sources in the New Testament and other scriptures => In the Footsteps of Jesus

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In the Footsteps of Jesus in Galilee




Per tour

Minimum number of persons:


Maximum number of persons:



Guidance with Door-to-Door Day Tour incl. car transport, car parks, petrol, tour insurance, entrance fee to Capharnaum


Food & Drink