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Exploring Jerusalem's highlights, the capital of Startup Nation

The tour will be led by Dr. Racheli Kreisberg, an expert in Israel's innovation ecosystem, a genealogist and a licensed Israeli tour guide.

Mount of Olives, Mount Zion, Western Wall, Holy Church of Sepulchre

8:30-9:00     Meet at Jaffa Gate and intro to Jerusalem’s history

9:00-9:20     Taxi to Chapel of Ascension, Mount of Olives

9:20-9:35      Chapel of Ascension

9:35                Walk to Mount of Olives (Har Ha’zeitim) Outlook

9:45                Stunning view of the Old City of Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives

9:55-10:15     Descend Mount of Olives towards Kidron valley

10:15-11:15      Visit the Church of “All Nationsand Garden of Gethsemane

11:15-11:45      Taxi to Mt. Zion Gate

11:45-12:30     “Last Supper Room” and “Tomb of King David

12:30-12:45    Walk to Church of Saint Peter Gallicantu

12:45-13:30    Church of Saint Peter Gallicantu

13:30-14:00    Walk to restaurant in Armenian Quarter

14:00-14:45    Lunch

14:45-15:15     Walk to Western Wall through Armenian Quarter

15:15-15:30     View of Temple Mount

15:45-16:00    Visit Western Wall

16:00-16:15    Walk to Holy Church of Sepulcher

16:15-17:00     Visit “Holy Church of Sepulcher

17:00-17:30    Walk to Jaffa Gate through Jewish Quarter




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Exploring Jerusalem's highlights, the capital of Startup Nation




Per tour

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Tour guiding


cabs from Jaffa Gate to Mt. of Olives and from Kidron valley to Mt. Zion, entrance fees to site, food and beverages